Buy and Sell
or Sell and Buy

We understand that selling your current home and buying the new one are complex and connected steps. Our commitment to loyalty is evident at every phase of the process, regardless of which transaction comes first. Choosing Liberdade means trusting a team committed to simplifying and streamlining the entire process.

Real Estate for Real People

Buy and Sell
or Sell and Buy

Why trust us?

Service excellence

Excellence is an unwavering commitment that permeates all our services – from the first interaction until everything is completed.
Relying on a highly qualified and experienced team while life is moving at a frenetic pace allows you to have an amplified view of your scenario—which is unique and complex.
By choosing Liberdade, clients have access to a service that is absolutely focused on their needs, making the whole process a fluid, light and reliable experience.

Strategic Personalized

We believe in the fusion of tradition with modernity, which is why Liberdade stands out.
Our tireless commitment is to take care of every detail so you are free to live – from virtual visits to a home organizer to take care of the move.
We know that doing everything simultaneously and now is not trivial.
With the proper support, the path becomes surprisingly easier and lighter.


We believe that every client deserves the freedom to choose, to dream and to trust partners who understand and respect these desires.
At Liberdade, we don’t just help people buy and sell properties; we empower clients to make informed decisions and support them every step of the way.
We offer diversified options, ensuring clients find what best reflects their lifestyle and aspirations.
By relying on Liberdade, customers embrace the freedom to shape their own future.

A SIMPLE step,
A giant leap for your life.

Our clients

The right choice to support you when you move house. The experience (both selling and buying) was very positive and far exceeded expectations, which is surprising when comparing it to a typical real estate service. I recommend it!
- Andreia Fernandes
I would like to highlight the professionalism, which combined with tireless dedication, made the whole process simpler and less "painful", which is surprising in the real estate market in Portugal.
Chris accompanied us in the sale, temporary rental and purchase of a new home, always presenting solutions and options, which turned out to be an excellent choice.
- Marco Miguel

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